

162 Uppsatser om Judicial tax treaty override - Sida 1 av 11

Generalklausulens fjärde punkt i Lag (1995:575) mot skatteflykt : I ljuset av Peru-upplägget

The taxation of various kinds of income which Sweden requires taxpayers to pay results in people undertaking sophisticated tax schemes to avoid paying tax . As a result of this Sweden had to develop its tax laws and insert a general clause in the legislation because the legislator wanted a more preventive effect. This preventive effect results in that the clause is applicable to more various types of tax situations. The clause, found in § 2 law (1995:575) against tax treaty override, states four requisites that must be met for a procedure to be considered tax treaty override. The relevant point for this paper is the fourth item which created interpretation problems among courts.

HFDs hantering av regelkollision mellan intern rätt och skatteavtal : En analys av RÅ 2010 ref. 112

The OMX-case entailed considerable uncertainty about the relationship between tax treaties and Swedish domestic law. Previous approaches to handle rule conflict between them was put out of action for the first time when an internal rule took precedence over tax treaties. The Greece-case came a few years later where there were hopes that it would be decided in plenary session to return to the view that prevailed before the OMX-case, which did not happen. Instead the Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the tax treaties shall in principle be given preference, but that in exceptional situations tax treaties can be infringed to an internal rule's benefit, so called tax treaty override. Such procedure is acceptable if the legislature gives "clear expression" of the intention of a certain type of income is to be taxed in Sweden, or that a particular new rule applies regardless of the provisions in tax treaties.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the supreme administrative courts management of rule collision between domestic law and tax treaties in the Greece-case.

Judicial tax treaty override i Regeringsrätten : Analys av RÅ 2008 not 61

Varje suverän stat bestämmer sin beskattningsrätt, de subjekt och objekt som staten ålägger skatt. Om två skilda staters beskattning träffar samma person och transaktion, uppstår in-ternationell juridisk dubbelbeskattning. Eftersom dubbelbeskattning kan leda till en mycket hög beskattning av en enskild, och därmed verka som ett hinder för internationell handel, ingår stater skatteavtal i vilka rätten att beskatta fördelas mellan staterna. Skatteavtalen skapar därmed en inskränkning av den rätt staten tar sig i den interna lagstiftningen. Sverige har ett 90-tal skatteavtal med olika länder; en majoritet av dessa följer den avtalsmodell som arbetats fram inom OECD.

RÅ 2008 ref. 24 vs RÅ 2010 ref. 112 : Tax treaty override på svenska?

SammanfattningFör att underlätta gränsöverskridande transaktioner ingår stater idag internationella överenskommelser av olika slag. Traktat som de även kallas utgör en del av folkrätten och är reglerade i Wienkonventionen om traktaträtten från 1969. En av de vanligaste formerna av traktat är idag dubbelbeskattningsavtal vilka huvudsakligen syftar till att fördela beskattningsrätt mellan stater för att undvika en dubbelbeskattningssituation. Sveriges dubbelbeskattningsavtal inkorporeras i intern rätt vilket ger uttryck för det dualistiska synsättet. Inom folkrätten är principen att avtal ska hållas en viktig grundsats som kommer till uttryck i artikel 26 Wienkonventionen. Wienkonventionens artikel 27 stadgar vidare att en part inte kan åberopa sin interna rätt som grund för sin underlåtenhet att fullgöra ett avtal.

Judikalisering och demokrati: Lagprövningsrätten i förändring?

In this thesis I examine the development and expansion of judicial power in Sweden. The concept of judicial review is defined and related to democratic theory, and the various forms of judicial review in use in Sweden are explained. The main focus is on the political and scientific discussion concerning judicial review since the mid 1970s. It is shown that judicial review so far has been used only to a limited extent and that the number of court cases has remained quite stable over time. The main cause of judicialization seems to be the supremacy of EU law following the Swedish EU membership in 1995 and the inclusion of the European Convention on Human Rights into Swedish law.

Skatteflyktsklausulens tillämpbarhet när gällande skatteavtal saknar bestämmelser mot skatteflykt : Problematiken mellan folkrättsliga skatteavtal och svensk intern rätt

En metod för att angripa skatteflykt är genom tillämpning av skatteflyktsklausulen som stadgas i 2 § lagen mot skatteflykt. Skatteflyktsklausulen har kritiserats för bristen på förutsägbarhet ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv med särskild hänsyn till legalitetsprincipen. Den 26 mars 2012 meddelade Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen sin dom där svensk intern rätt tillämpades framför skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Peru på ett skatteupplägg med ett utländskt holdingbolag. Om ett skatteavtal missbrukas i syfte att uppnå skattemässiga fördelar finns det i kommentarerna till OECD:s modellavtal vägledning som öppnar för internrättsliga angreppssätt mot skatteflykt. Däremot finns det en gräns för hur generellt utformade sådana motverkansregler får vara för motivera ett sådant åsidosättande om skatteavtalets fördelningsregler.

Dublinförordningen : en fallstudie av Migrationsverkets implementering av Dublinförordningen i sitt dagliga arbete

The Swedish immigration policy is a subject constantly under scrutiny, especially in the media. The Dublin treaty, which came into effect in 2003, has meant stricter regulations for the handling of asylum seekers, which in turn increases the requirements of the officials at the Swedish Migration Board. Consequently, the staff at the Swedish Migration Board is daily facing difficulties when deciding who is to stay or not. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how these criteria in the Dublin Treaty, are used in the daily work of the officials. Emphasizing these problematic aspects of the Dublin Treaty, this study aims to answer the following two questions:- How has the Dublin Treaty been implemented in Swedish legislation by the officials at the Swedish Migration Board?- How do these officials work to implement this treaty?This case study is based on interviews with a number of officials working at the Swedish Migration Board.

Skiftande maktbalans? : - en analys av det nya EU-fördragets konsekvenser för EG-domstolen

ABSTRACTUniversity: Växjö University, school of social science, department of political scienceLevel: Bachelor?s thesis in political scienceTitle: SHIFTING BALANCE OF POWER? ? an analyze of the new EU-treaty?s consequences for the EC-court.Academic adviser: Associate professor Stefan HöjelidAuthor: Magnus NordahlThis study focuses on the increased role of the European Court of Justice through the establishment of a Constitution for Europe and its impact on the balance of power, both horizontal and vertical.To do this, the study takes its aims from the research problem, formulated as follows:Does the establishment of a constitution for Europe contribute to an increased role for the European Court of Justice and does it create a more legible horizontal and vertical division of power?To reach the relevant analyses and conclusions two precise questions are presented as well as an analytical model. The precise questions are:? Which are the relevant contributions for the balance of power from a perspective of juridification in the new EU-treaty?? What impacts do those contributions have on the so called ?European federalism??The theoretical perspective of this study is rooted in the concept of federalism with special emphasizes on constitution and sovereignty as well as a part about the process of juridification. Along with the presented analytical model consisting of a horizontal and vertical division of power, the empirical material is presented with focus on the new EU-treaty about a constitution for Europe and the European Court of Justice.

Lissabon Fördraget : Värnet mot Globaliseringen?

 Dissertation in political science, C-level by Niklas Andersson, Spring Semester 2009. Tutor: Arne Larsson?The Treaty of Lisbon ? The Defence against Globalization??In the modern world globalization have undermined the nation-state and left it without the right measurements to adequately deal with the social and economic unrest that follows in its way. The states, built on contract theories, have an obligation to protect its citizens from the state of nature which seems to have failed as globalization has changed the rules.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the contract theories of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Rawls to identify the elements of a state and create a modern and ideal contract theory. The treaty shall then be used on the Treaty of Lisbon as it can be seen as a contract between the European states to create an entity in the shape of the European Union with the power to defend Europe from the unrest created by globalization.My question for this was as follows:Is the new treaty for the European Union acceptable as a new social contract according to the social contract theories?During my research the following criteria?s for a social contract was found:1.

Hög villighet kräver lägre tillfälle ? Faktorer som påverkar den icke-statliga väpnade aktörens långa väpnade kamp

SammanfattningFör att underlätta gränsöverskridande transaktioner ingår stater idag internationella överenskommelser av olika slag. Traktat som de även kallas utgör en del av folkrätten och är reglerade i Wienkonventionen om traktaträtten från 1969. En av de vanligaste formerna av traktat är idag dubbelbeskattningsavtal vilka huvudsakligen syftar till att fördela beskattningsrätt mellan stater för att undvika en dubbelbeskattningssituation. Sveriges dubbelbeskattningsavtal inkorporeras i intern rätt vilket ger uttryck för det dualistiska synsättet. Inom folkrätten är principen att avtal ska hållas en viktig grundsats som kommer till uttryck i artikel 26 Wienkonventionen. Wienkonventionens artikel 27 stadgar vidare att en part inte kan åberopa sin interna rätt som grund för sin underlåtenhet att fullgöra ett avtal.

På väg mot ett mer demokratiskt EU? : - en studie av Lissabonfördraget

AbstractSince democracy was developed in the ancient Greece it has come to be used within a small city state, within the national state and as today used within a bigger perspective. After the end of the second world war political leaders wanted to make sure that there would never be a war between European countries again. Now, about 60 years later this type of cooperation now involves 27 of the European countries and goes under the name of the Euroapean Union. This means that democracy is no longer used just within the nation state, but within a big organisation that is responsible for almost 500 million Europeans lives. This also means that the European Union need to make some institutional reforms to be able to handle all the future challenges.

Demokrati och lagprövning - Om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning som institution i demokratin

This essay concerns the issue of democracy and judicial review. The main focus is on the justification of both a positive and a negative attitude towards judicial review, and the values these justifications are based on. The analysis is made by textual analysis of four authors with different opinions of the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who has a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who are positive about it. In the analysis an analytic frame is used which consists of different dimensions and aspects of the problem of democracy and judicial review. The study shows that there are important differences in democratic values between a positive and a negative justification of judicial review.

Föräldrars missbruk och barnets bästa : en dokumentanalys av LVU-mål

The aim of this essay was to examine how the decision-making in LVU cases are motivated in the judicial decisions. How has the principle of whats in the best interest of the child been noticeable in these judicial decisions and how are the child's needs and the consequences for the child of the drug abuse been described? When the parents have been judged to have given a non acceptable consent, how have they been described and how has the parents described the situation?Our research is of a qualitative nature, a document analysis of judicial decisions in LVU cases. We analyzed eight court cases containing decisions from County Court, Fiscal Court of Appeal and The Supreme Administrative Court.Our results showed that parents were described in the judicial argumentation as negative stereotypes and a picture of unreliability were created. What was best for the child were not expressed in words but woven into the children's needs and in most cases the consequences of the abuse of drugs were not made clear..

Europeiska Unionens demokratiska underskott : -en textanalys av Lissabonfördraget

This essay focus on the European Union and its democracy both from a national perspec­tive and from an international perspective. Furthermore, the essay center on the con­cept of democratic deficit, this in order to study the European Union´s status regarding the democratic legitimacy. This study intends to nuance the problems that previous research and previous researchers have de­fined as democratic deficits in the European Union and ends up in conducting a textual anal­ysis of the latest European Union treaty, the Lisbon Treaty.The aim is that by using previous research on the democratic deficit in the European Union examine whether the Lisbon Treaty has enhanced the EU's position regarding democratic legitimacy. In other words, my study aims to identify what the deficit is and if it exists.The results show that the Lisbon Treaty has been trying to improve the democratic legitimacy and that some practical adjustments have been made, but it also show that there is much that still can be improved before citizens have full democratic rights..

EU:s frihandelavtalsförhandlingar med Mercosur : Implicita orsaker bakom avbrutna och återupptagna förhandlingar

This essay is about the European union freetrade treaty negations with Mercosur. I have in this essay used a qualitative content analysis, to study from the EU perspective the reasons to why, the EU and Mercosur suspended the free trade treaty negations 2004, and after several years resumed the negotiations again in 2010. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding from the EU perspective of why free trade negotiations were suspended and then resumed. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of this event, I have applied neorealism and neoliberalism on the explicit statements and the implied actions, as these theories may provide different explanatory power of implied causes of negotiations.I have come to the conclusion that the theoretical perspectives can indeed explain explicit statements and implicit actions for suspended and resumed negotiations with Mercosur. The implicit reasons for suspended negotiations are among others that the EU has an egoist thinking concerning a free trade treaty.

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